Aero Snap: Use the Windows key and arrow buttons to rearrange windows
Ajay. E
Much has been made of Windows 7’s Aero Snap feature, which automatically resizes and arranges program windows when you drag them to the top or sides of the screen. It’s a great feature, to be sure, and particularly handy for making use of larger and wide-screen displays while multitasking.
For example, if you drag two windows to opposite sides of the screen, you get an arrangement like this, with each window auto-arranged side by side:
But as easy as it is to drag windows around with a mouse and have them magically snap into place, many users, particularly the more keyboard-inclined, will find this simple set of keyboard shortcuts invaluable once they try it: Hold down the Windows key, and press any arrow key. The mouse method will soon seem so…antiquated? (If it's possible for a brand-new feature to be antiquated...)
Hitting the Windows key and the up arrow maximizes your currently selected window, down arrow minimizes it, and right or left arrowdocks the window to the side of the screen, where it conveniently resizes to take up just half the width of the screen. Those using multiple monitors will also be able to shunt windows between screens by repeatedly arrowing over while holding down the Windows key. A few seconds using this shortcut can turn a jumbled mess of windows into an organized layout that will improve your productivity
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